We all depend on the success of American agriculture, and Farm Bureau stands with farmers and ranchers as we work together to keep our nation’s food, fiber and renewable fuel supply safe, sustainable and secure.
For more than a century, Farm Bureau members have joined together from coast to coast and become the Voice of Agriculture. Farm Bureau continues to evolve to serve the needs of members and their families on and off the farm or ranch. The Farm Bureau legacy includes leadership within local communities, advocacy on rural issues, public service and outreach, agriculture literacy and sustainability initiatives that respect farmers’ and ranchers’ stewardship efforts.
Get started by finding your state Farm Bureau below. Membership includes exclusive discounts on national brands.
It PAYS to be a Farm Bureau Member! Learn about the savings your membership provides by contacting your state Farm Bureau. Learn about national member benefit providers, or find your state Farm Bureau below and reap the benefits of belonging.
Farm Bureau® News
Farm Bureau® News: Highlighting how Farm Bureau works for you – as farmers and ranchers, families, communities and consumers.
Market Intel
Market Intel, produced by the Farm Bureau economic analysis team, provides market and policy insight and analysis for our farmer and rancher members nationwide, as well as policymakers on Capitol Hill.
Action Alerts
The goal of FB Advocacy is simple: empower individuals to contribute to the voice of agriculture.
American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture
AFBFA's mission is to build awareness, understanding, and a positive public perception of agriculture through education.
Annual Convention
This is your yearly opportunity to help set the agenda for the leading voice of agriculture in Washington, DC, and so much more.