Tractor Safety Road feat

Farm Bureau Safety & Health Network


Our Mission

The mission of the Farm Bureau Safety and Health Network is to provide leadership and assistance to local and state Farm Bureaus promoting safety and health in agricultural and rural communities. The network creates open communication channels between Farm Bureau safety and health professionals and volunteers to share resources, programs and initiatives.

Farm Bureaus promote safety and health in agricultural and rural communities to reduce the number of farm work-related injuries and deaths by promoting safe practices and increasing public awareness of the importance of safety and health in agriculture.


American Farm Bureau Federation’s 2025 Ag Safety Awareness Program (ASAP) Week was created to bring awareness to safety and health issues facing the agriculture industry. The U.S. Agricultural Safety and Health Centers are joining American Farm Bureau Federation in keeping friends and family safe and healthy this year by recognizing common agricultural hazards with the theme Plating Safety, Growing Wellness.”


  • Monday – Creating Safety Leaders on the Farm
  • Tuesday – Farmer Stress
  • Wednesday – Disaster Preparedness
  • Thursday – Health and Wellness in Ag
  • Friday – Grain Bin Safety

Ways to Get Involved

  • During Ag Safety Awareness Program Week, post the social media messages found in the promotional toolkit, or create your own posts using the hashtags #ASAP25, and #USAgCenters.
  • Get involved in the conversation. Follow, retweet and share Ag Safety Awareness Program Week messages through Twitter and Facebook and tag @FarmBureau.
  • Contact media outlets to have PSAs run on the local radio.
  • Answer the phone with “Agricultural Safety Awareness Week.”
  • Encourage members to write a letter to the editor or contact a local legislator to talk about the importance of agricultural health and safety.
  • Encourage members to post a video on social media about what they are doing to stay safe and healthy on their farms.
  • Use the ASAP Week logo in the signature of your email.

The ASAP Week promotional toolkit is available here.

For questions and more information, please email Carrie Walker at

Think F.A.S.T.

The Think F.A.S.T. (Farm & Ag Safety Training) program is an initiative from Farm Bureau designed to proactively address on-farm safety concerns for youth. The program materials are free to members and non-members and are tailored for audiences 14- to 17-years old and focus on general safety, leadership, and critical thinking skills applied to technical and agriculture-specific contexts.

Get Involved

To contact your state Farm Bureau and get involved with health and safety in your state, click here.

For More Information

Contact: Carrie Walker at