Farm Bureau is the trusted Voice of Agriculture® and the leading grassroots membership organization advocating for all farmers, ranchers and rural communities.
The American Farm Bureau Federation is the national advocate for farmers, ranchers and rural communities. Just as the work of feeding our nation begins on the farm, we believe that’s where the policy that shapes agriculture should begin as well. Every year, Farm Bureau members in more than 2,800 counties meet to discuss and vote on policies affecting their farms, ranches and communities. Those policies then set the agenda for their state Farm Bureaus and ultimately AFBF.
Our grassroots approach is what makes the American Farm Bureau, the Voice of Agriculture. This includes engaging consumers to build trust in, and share the story of, agriculture. AFBF also develops programs and tools that help farmers and ranchers succeed in business and leadership.
Farm Bureau believes in developing tomorrow’s leaders today. All national board members are elected by the farmers they represent, and many of these leaders began their Farm Bureau leadership journey through our development programs like Young Farmers & Ranchers, Women’s Leadership and Promotion & Education. In fact, both AFBF President Zippy Duvall and Vice President Scott VanderWal rose to leadership through Farm Bureau programs.
Getting involved in Farm Bureau was one of the best decisions I made as a young farmer. I have been humbled by opportunities to share the stories of farmers in my state and across the country.
- AFBF President Zippy Duvall
For more than 100 years, the American Farm Bureau Federation has been the national, unified Voice of Agriculture. AFBF was organized on November 12, 1919, in Chicago by Farm Bureau leaders from 34 states to give farmers and ranchers a voice and a seat at the table in shaping policy that impacts farm and ranch families across the country. Today, AFBF is the country’s largest general farm organization and the leading advocate for farm and ranch families. We are driven by the belief that we are stronger when we work together to support our communities and sustainably grow the food, fiber and renewable fuel we all depend on.