Farm Bill Resources Archive

Farm Bureau Details Farm Bill Priorities
In an August 2018 letter sent to farm bill conferees, Farm Bureau detailed aspects of the House and Senate farm bills it supported and reiterated the need for on-time completion of the five-year bill.

Side-by-Side Comparison of House and Senate Farm Bills
Click here to view a side-by-side comparison of the House and Senate versions of the 2018 farm bill along with AFBF positions on each.

Farm Bill Will Offer Support for All Citizens
Dale Moore, Vice President of Public Affairs at the American Farm Bureau Federation talks about how the Farm Bill is important to all Americans, not just farmers.
-The Environmental Forum (2017, May)

Farm Bill Position Papers
Papers outlining Farm Bureau’s positions on a variety of issues for the 2018 farm bill debate.

Background Papers on Various Farm Bill Topics
This section provides additional background papers developed by USDA, the Congressional Research Service an others that may be useful for those interested in a more in-depth look at various programs and ideas.