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New Hampshire Farm Bureau Promotes Farm Bill and Farm Strong Mental Health Resources

Sydney Garrett

Communications Assistant

Eight New Hampshire Young Farmer and Rancher members ventured to Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.

photo credit: New Hampshire Farm Bureau, used with permission.

In spring 2023, eight New Hampshire Young Farmer and Rancher members ventured to Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., to meet with their U.S. senators and representatives and increase their advocacy skills. Their trip began at the American Farm Bureau Federation offices where they received advocacy training from AFBF staff. Training topics included farm bill updates, how to conduct successful visits with their congressional representatives and an informational briefing on YF&R opportunities. After New Hampshire YF&R members received their training, they were prepared for their visit to Capitol Hill.

The group met with multiple New Hampshire representatives throughout their trip, speaking on topics like crop insurance, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Farm Strong, which provides mental health services and resources to agriculturalists in New Hampshire. Attendees used their own stories and experiences to connect with their congressional lawmakers, providing a look into how these programs affect their daily lives.

New Hampshire YF&R members returned home knowing they had successfully represented their state on the national level by connecting with legislators. The training they receive will help them continue advocating for agriculture.

Strategic Action Fund

New Hampshire Farm Bureau’s campaign was funded through a grant from AFBF’s Strategic Action Fund. Through the fund, state Farm Bureaus with fewer than 25,000 members were eligible to apply for funding of up to $5,000 for public policy-related projects.

Several state Farm Bureaus – Idaho, Iowa, North Carolina, Tennessee and Texas – each contributed at least $1,000 to the Strategic Action Fund for the 2023 round of projects.