> Farm Bureau® News

#WomenInAg Spotlight: Kalena Bruce

AFBF Staff

photo credit: AFBF Photo, Mike Tomko

#WomenInAg recognizes the contributions of women involved in agriculture during Women’s History Month (March). AFBF is proud to salute Kalena Bruce, a Missouri farmer and Farm Bureau leader!

Bruce’s national leadership post – chair of AFBF’s Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee – is rooted in involvement with Farm Bureau at the county level in Missouri, where she has served on the county board of directors for six years and as secretary for the past three years. She and her husband, Billy, have a cow-calf farm and agri-tourism venture, inviting the public to pick their own strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries. In the fall, the Bruces offer a pumpkin patch and corn maze. They have a two-year-old daughter, Willa Grace.

“Our county Farm Bureau is very active on many levels—in the community, with Ag in the Classroom and politically,” Bruce said, adding that during her time as national chair and beyond, she intends to remain committed to working on agriculture and Farm Bureau’s behalf in her county and state.

The YF&R program includes men and women between the ages of 18 and 35. The program’s goals are to help younger Farm Bureau members learn more about agriculture, network with other farmers and realize their full potential as leaders in agriculture and Farm Bureau.