photo credit: AFBF Photo, Mike Tomko
When it comes to technology, I would not consider myself an early adopter.
I prefer chatting with a cashier to using a self-checkout. I write lists with a pen and paper instead of an app on my phone. And I’m often asking my smart-device-loving-husband, “What the heck do we need that for?”
However, I can even recognize the good technology can do. Particularly when it comes to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in farming and its role in animal care and sustainability.
I can recognize the good technology can do.
Here are a few examples of AI in agriculture I find especially fascinating:
In my opinion, AI won’t necessarily change the “face” of agriculture. That face will always belong to the family farmer who continuously adopts innovation to make the farm better for his or her animals and the environment.
These machines don’t have the heart or a calling to continue a family legacy. However, they can assist in providing the decision-making data to make that dream a reality.
Even this laggard can understand why the heck someone would want that.
Caitlyn Lamm is Iowa Farm Bureau's public relations specialist. This article originally appeared in Iowa Farm Bureau’s Farm Fresh Blog.
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