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AFBF’s Steen to the National Journal: WOTUS Should Regulate Things that Look like Water



Kim Baker

Director, Digital Initiatives

photo credit: AFBF Photo, Cole Staudt

American Farm Bureau Federation’s Ellen Steen was quoted by the National Journal on the 2015 Waters of the U.S. rule.

Steen, AFBF’s general counsel and secretary, explained the current status of the regulation. “EPA is in [the] middle of a regulatory process to relook at whether the rule should be repealed and whether it should be revised, and it would be foolish, it would create a whole lot of upheaval for the states and the regulated communities to implement while you’re in the middle of this process,” she said.

Discussing the regulation further, Steen said “It would be great if the rule would regulate things that look like water and a person of reasonable intelligence can at least have an inkling that they might have a federal water of the U.S. on their land by looking at it. That would be really refreshing.”

Subscribers can check out the full article, “New Litigation Threatens EPA Water-Protections Rollback,” here.