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CNBC: China Tariffs Could Help Australia Gain Share From U.S. Wine, Nut and Fruit Producers



Kim Baker

Director, Digital Initiatives

photo credit: Alabama Farmers Federation, Used with Permission

American Farm Bureau Federation’s Will Rodger was quoted in a CNBC article on Chinese trade tariffs and the negative effects they could have on American agriculture. In response to American-imposed tariffs, “China's finance ministry announced in a statement published Sunday it would impose retaliatory tariffs on up to 128 kinds of U.S. goods, following through on a threat initially made March 23,” noted CNBC.

"It's a first step that has a lot of us concerned," Rodger, AFBF director of policy communications, told CNBC. "It will probably have some effect on pork prices. What exactly they'll be is hard to say,” he said.