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Decrease in Average Cost of This Year's Thanksgiving Dinner

Kim Baker

Director, Digital Initiatives

photo credit: Getty Images

The American Farm Bureau Federation was recently cited by ABC News for our informal survey conducted on the cost of Thanksgiving dinner. The average cost of this year’s meal for a family of 10 is $49.87, a decrease from $50.11 last year. Decreased turkey prices contribute to this year’s reduced cost. We found that a 16-pound turkey costs 30 cents less than it did last year.

"We have seen farm prices for many foods - including turkeys - fall from the higher levels of recent years. This translates into lower retail prices for a number of items as we prepare for Thanksgiving and confirms that U.S. consumers benefit from an abundant, high-quality and affordable food supply," AFBF Director of Market Intelligence John Newton said.

For more on our survey results, check out our press release