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Washington DC 100: Farmers and Ranchers Rely on Trade and Cannot Afford to Lose Out



Kim Baker

Director, Digital Initiatives

photo credit: North Dakota Farm Bureau member Lindsay Faye

American Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall was featured in the Washington DC 100 newsletter discussing the importance of free trade to American agriculture. “Free trade is a real success story for U.S. agriculture. Twenty percent of our products are exported, and with a $21 billion surplus, agriculture is a bright spot in our nation’s overall trade balance. These gains also put us at greater risk for retaliation, however. As farm income has fallen by about 50 percent in recent years, farmers and ranchers cannot afford to lose out in the global marketplace due to retaliation,” Duvall wrote in an op-ed for Washington DC 100. “The president has promised to fight for new and better trade deals for all. Agriculture and the American Farm Bureau will continue to remind him of that.”