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Washington Post: Lobbying Bonanza Begins Over Trump Tax Plan

Kim Baker

Director, Digital Initiatives

photo credit: AFBF Photo, Philip Gerlach

A Washington Post Wonkblog article explored reactions to President Donald Trump’s release last month of a one-page blueprint for overhauling the federal tax code. Administration officials lauded the changes as “the start of a simpler tax system, one with lower rates for everyone but also with far fewer of the deductions, loopholes and carve-outs that make the current code so complicated,” noted the Post.

However, a plethora of industry groups including agriculture are turning to Congress for help defending current tax breaks. Pat Wolff, AFBF’s tax specialist, told the Post that a loose-knit group known as the “Tax Aggies” strategized and ultimately decided to draft a handful of letters outlining various priorities for members to use.