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Washington Times: Reforming the Environmental Protection Agency

Kim Baker

Director, Digital Initiatives

photo credit: AFBF Photo, Morgan Walker

Reforming the Environmental Protection Agency,” an op-ed by AFBF President Zippy Duvall published in the Washington Times, highlights the agency’s shift in rule-making related to science.

“EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is getting a lot of push-back for his efforts to reform the Environmental Protection Agency and its rule-making process,” wrote Duvall. “His goal of making regulations work better for economic as well as environmental purposes is apparently a new way of doing business at the agency.”

Duvall pointed out that a recent policy change announced by Pruitt requires that all the data and methodology the EPA uses in the rule-making process from now on will become part of the public record and open to scrutiny. “This policy shift is particularly important because it upsets the status quo of an agency that went off the rails years ago,” Duvall wrote.