> Market Intel

The Competitive Dairy Case: An Interactive Dashboard

Michael Nepveux



photo credit: Getty

A recent USDA analysis of Information Resources Inc. data revealed that the market share of plant-based milk analogs, i.e., imitation milk made from almonds, coconut or soy, rose from 5.7 percent in 2013 to 7.6 percent in 2015. USDA, however, has not recently updated the market share information for these plant- and nut-based beverages. To provide insight on sales trends for these products since 2015, we used IRI scanner data from 2015 to July 2018 to estimate market shares of dairy and plant- and nut-based beverages, review regional trends in plant- and nut-based beverage consumption and estimate the prices of the competing products. The American Farm Bureau Federation has created an interactive dashboard for a more thorough look into the results of this analysis.

Explore the dairy case by clicking here