> News Release

Farm Bureau Selects 12th Partners in Advocacy Leadership Class

AFBF Staff

The American Farm Bureau Federation recently selected an outstanding group of leaders in agriculture as the organization’s 12th Partners in Advocacy Leadership class. AFBF designed PAL to help agricultural leaders accelerate their engagement abilities and solidify their roles as advocates for agriculture.

“Being able to successfully advocate at all levels – local, state and national – for agricultural issues that benefit rural communities is more important than ever,” said AFBF President Zippy Duvall. “We applaud the members of PAL Class 12 for their interest in honing the necessary skills to promote issues that are important to those in the farm-to-consumer food chain.”

Members of PAL Class 12 are: Magen Allen, Arkansas; Jen Beretta, California; Amanda Durow, Minnesota; Jessica Graves, Mississippi; Jon Iverson, Oregon; Matt Moreland, Missouri; Jackie Mundt, Kansas; Linda Pryor, North Carolina; Chris Riley, Utah; and Karl Shlagel, Maryland.

PAL training involves four learning modules designed to develop specific advocacy skills while exploring components of leadership and its theories and philosophies. The modules build on one another over the two years of the program and include intense, in-person, hands-on training.

PAL graduates emerge with the experience and confidence—in everything from legislative policy making and issues management to social media and media relations—to effectively engage all critical stakeholders.

To be eligible for the PAL program, candidates must be between the ages of 30 and 45, with demonstrated leadership skills. The program is sponsored by AFBF, Syngenta, Farm Credit and Merck Animal Health.

Press Contact

Mike Tomko
Director, Communications
(202) 406-3642

Bailey Corwine
Media Relations Specialist
(202) 406-3643