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Hundreds of Organizations Call for New Farm Bill


Farm Bill

AFBF Staff

photo credit: Alabama Farmers Federation, Used with Permission

More than 500 organizations came together to send a letter to Congress calling for a new farm bill. Chad Smith tells us the organizations recognize time is running out to pass this important legislation.

Smith: The American Farm Bureau Federation, and 529 other organizations joined together to tell lawmakers that programs that benefit every family in American are too important to put off any longer. Joe Gilson, director of congressional relations for AFBF says the letter urged Congress to pass a modernized farm bill.
Gilson: So the letter was sent with 530 organizations represented all parts of the farm bill coalition, asking for a new bipartisan five year farm bill this year, because we're getting too close to the end of Congress, and if we do not pass a new farm bill and push it to the next Congress there are significant legislative and administrative duties in a new Congress, and it's just going to be pushed down the road even further.
Smith: Gilson says every American is impacted by the farm bill.
Gilson: There are so many parts of the farm bill that touch Americans, from growing food to nutrition for low-income families, to making sure we have the resources to properly take care of the environment. So, it’s a really important bill to a lot of Americans, and it was great to see so many organizations sign on to the letter.
Smith: The fact that more than 500 groups signed on to the letter should tell Congress how important this is.
Gilson: I think it tells Congress that there is still a need to pass a bill this year, and I know that this whole Congress, people have been telling them that. And I think we just wanted to make the point that we haven’t given up yet. We still think, with the right leadership, they can advance this bill and get something done.
Smith: He says Farm Bureau members can help the process by calling their elected officials and ask them to finish the process. Chad Smith, Washington.